

When to enrol ?

Deadlines for registration in 2024

Student with a Belgian diploma


  • From 15/06 to to 30/09

Student with a European diploma


On file review only

  • Bachelors: from 15/06 to 30/09
  • Masters and additional diploma in management (DCG) : from 01/02 to 15/09

Student with a non-European diploma


On file review only

  • Bachelors: from 16/04 to 19/04
  • Masters and additional diploma in management (DCG): from 8/1 to 31/3

Do you need help to make your choice ?

Info.studies and open house


1. Find your programme and check that you fulfil the admission criteria

Our programmes


2. Prepare your administrative file

    * Students wishing to enrol in the additional diploma in management course must first contact Nathalie Van Droogenbroeck | 02/778 03 13


    3. Complete your pre-enrolment on line

    On line pre-enrolment


    4. Once your pre-enrolment has been accepted, you will be able to finalise your registration online or on our campus.


    5. If you have already validated university level courses, you can submit exemption requests.

    Exemption requests

    1. Find your programme and check that you fulfil the admission criteria

    Our programmes


    2. Prepare your file

    • Master (day)
    • Master (evening)
      • Your level of English must be at least C1 or B2 (with additional English) and attested by the result of an official test (IELTS, TOEFL or TOEIC) dating from less than 2 years ago, unless you have completed your first cycle in English.

    3. Apply for admission via our online platform

    Online platform


    4. If your application is accepted for a Master's degree, please prepare your administrative file

    1. Find your programme and check that you fulfil the admission criteria

    Our programmes


    2. Prepare your file

    • Bachelor (day)
      Apply for definitive equivalence for your upper secondary education certificate granting access to full-length higher education before 15 July.
      • The average of your bachelor's degree must be at least 13/20.
      • Your diploma must have been obtained within the last 3 years.
    • Master (day)
    • Master (evening)
      • The average of your previous diplomas must be at least 13/20
      • Your level of English must be at least C1 or B2 (with additional English) and attested by the result of an official test (IELTS, TOEFL or TOEIC) dating from less than 2 years ago, unless you have completed your first cycle in English.
      • Your undergraduate degree must have been obtained within the last 7 years.

    3. Apply for admission via our online platform

    Online platform

    *Students from outside the European Union must pay an administrative fee of 180,00 €.  This fee must be paid by bank transfer, at the latest by the deadline of the specific registration period for these students. All the information concerning this transfer will be available after the creation of your profile on the online registration platform. This amount covers the costs related to the examination of the eligibility file for a previous educational background outside the European Union. This amount will not be refunded if the student is ineligible (ineligible application) or ineligible for funding due to his/her previous academic background. On the other hand, in case of definitive registration, this amount will be deducted from the registration fees.


    4. If your application is accepted for a Master's degree:

    Please prepare your administrative file
    We will send you a temporary certificate in order to start the necessary steps to obtain your Visa*

    *We do not accept applications for admission if the Visa is not granted before 30/09. Please take into account the visa waiver deadlines.

    1. Find your programme and check that you fulfil the admission criteria

    Our programmes


    2. Complete your pre-enrolment on line

    On line pre-enrolment


    For all questions concerning the programs and registration procedures, contact us.

    Studies information office

    If you would like more information about our programs, the Study Info service is available on the Montgomery site.

    Opening hours

        Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 10:00-12:30 and 14:00-16:30
        Tuesday and Thursday: closed/on appointment

    To make an appointment, send an email to


    Administrative office

    Our administrative office welcomes you for any administrative or registration question.

    Opening hours

      Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 10:00-12:30 and 14:00-16:30
        Tuesday and Thursday: closed/on appointment
