
Student life

Student life is particularly rich and diverse at ICHEC!
Many students are active in different associations covering a wide range of interests: sustainable development, entrepreneurship, welcoming international students, consultancy and of course the traditional student activities!

Student Council (CDE, Conseil des Etudiants)

The student council represents all students at ICHEC before the academic authorities and teachers. To do this, its members organise open meetings in order to make the student voice heard by decision-making bodies.

The student council organises various activities for students and supports other associations both from a human and financial perspective. Among its activities, notably, it organises political debates, visits to companies and blood drives.

Members of the student council are either elected by their peers or co-opted.


UStart ICHEC is the student entrepreneurship club at ICHEC. The association is part of the global UStart Belgium network, present on all the main French-speaking campuses in Belgium.

UStart promotes entrepreneurship among students and also focuses its efforts on the professional development of its members. Members gain solid experience outside their academic studies and can take advantage of the numerous events and training programmes organised by the association. These include: the Startup race (developing a team project from conception of the idea through to completion), visits to companies as well as the business dinner event, where students have the opportunity to question successful entrepreneurs in a relaxed setting.

ICHEC's Student Circle (CICHEC)

CICHEC is the student union devoted to traditional student activities and fun at ICHEC!
It organises various party activities and events to liven up student life alongside classes: the ICHEC Ball, the Louvain-la-Neuve 24-hour bicycle race, a week's skiing, barbecue, drinks on the terrace, and especially the D100 events.
One of the union's departments is responsible for fresher's events for newcomers, known for their friendly and welcoming vibe. The circle also publishes the "LUCRE", the ICHEC student newspaper.

oikos Brussels


oikos Brussels is a student association within ICHEC since 1999. Its objective is to raise awareness among students about sustainable development and to promote more sustainable management. Various activities are offered to students throughout the year, such as workshops, conferences, fair trade breakfasts, as well as days dedicated to topics related to sustainable development. We also offer our active members the opportunity to engage in leadership programs that train them to become conscious and collaborative agents of change, thus contributing to a more diverse and resilient higher education. Joining oikos Brussels means joining a global community committed to creating a more sustainable future, and joining the positive forces of a vast network to promote global change in favor of sustainability.

ICHEC Junior Consult

ICHEC Junior Consult is an educational association that falls under the Junior-Entreprises label. It allows students to put theory into practice by conducting studies for a wide range of clients: entrepreneurs, very small businesses, small and medium-sized enterprises, large groups, associations, collectives and many others.
Using a consulting firm model, it provides participants with an opportunity to gain their first real professional experience. Clients also benefit from the innovative spirit, dynamism and skill of the students to implement large projects by mobilising a significant number of participants as well as the educational support of ICHEC teachers and researchers.


ESN ICHEC-ECAM is part of the ESN network (Erasmus Student Network), a European student organisation (41 countries – 15,000 volunteers). Its mission is to welcome and integrate foreign students participating in a foreign exchange programme.

ESN ICHEC-ECAM offers ERASMUS students arriving at ICHEC support during their stay in Belgium, by helping with administrative and academic matters, and organising parties and events (pub crawls, nights out, sports tournaments, etc.) and cultural events (city trips, museum visits, etc.). ICHEC students are encouraged to join Erasmus students at these various events to share some fun moments together and foster intercultural relations.

Le statut d'étudiant engagé

Assumer des responsabilités au sein d'une association ? S'engager activement dans une ONG ? Et cela en menant des études ! L'ICHEC met en place un statut pour aider les étudiantes et étudiants engagés.

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