
The laboratories

Labs at ICHEC

Labs are workspaces that bring together certain IRL researchers organized around a specific expertise. These labs are places of experimentation, allowing researchers to practice and test their knowledge related to an expertise, as well as to share it with others. The IRL supports these labs so that, as elsewhere in the IRL, free and creative, rigorous and responsible research can develop. Several labs allow research to be structured in sub-groups around a field, within the IRL: QuaResMI, LADICHEC et SustainLab


ICHEC's QuaResMI is a research lab that focuses its activities around quantitative methods.

This lab hosts monthly seminars, an annual conference, and a notebook dedicated to quantitative research, covering (but not limited to) statistics, graph theory, algorithms and data analysis.

Discover Quaresmi


SustainLab est le laboratoire de recherche de l'ICHEC dédié à la recherche durable en management.


ICHEC SustainLab est un espace de travail qui rassemble les chercheurs de l'IRL autour de leur expertise sur les aspects économiques, sociaux et environnementaux de la durabilité. Il a été créé en 2021 à la suite de la co-construction de l'école pour développer la durabilité.

Les chercheurs du SustainLab étudient et développent de nouveaux récits permettant d'imaginer, de concevoir et de gérer des organisations résilientes au service de la coexistence pacifique, de la justice sociale et de la régénération écologique, ici et ailleurs. Dans leur pratique de recherche, ils relèvent le défi d'une transformation en profondeur vers un système socio-économique respectueux des frontières planétaires, en tant qu'acteurs conscients d'appartenir au Monde vivant.

Les sujets de recherche incluent, mais ne sont pas limités à :

  • L'économie du donut
  • Économie écologique
  • Modèles d'entreprise durables
  • Entrepreneuriat social
  • Finance durable
  • Économie circulaire
  • Économie circulaire du tourisme
  • Le bas de la pyramide
  • Marketing durable
  • Gestion durable du patrimoine culturel
  • Management responsable
  • Pratiques managériales innovantes


LADICHEC is a lab that conducts basic and applied research in mathematics didactics.

The ICHEC didactics lab studies phenomena related to the learning and teaching of mathematics, mainly, but not exclusively, at the level of the secondary to higher educaction transition. The research conducted is essentially based on the theory of didactic situations (TDS) and the anthropological theory of didactics (ATD).

The lab attracts national and international collaborations in this field. 

At the national level, LADICHEC has privileged links with LADIMATH, the didactic lab of the University of Liege, with which it conducts research on teacher training. 

At the international level, LADICHEC has taken an active part in the creation of GECEMS which brings together Brazilian and African researchers around the teaching and learning of fundamental concepts of mathematical analysis (limit, derivative,...).

LADICHEC is also concerned with linking fundamental research with the realities of the field and is also developing an applied dimension based on its fundamental research. It participates in the pedagogical dynamics of the institution by collaborating with the ICHEC student support service, by developing innovative teaching projects for the institution, but also by proposing conferences dedicated to the general public and to researchers of other disciplines.