Do you have a minimum of 5 years of professional and personal experience in the field of management?
You can leverage it by submitting an application through Recognition of Prior Learning (V.A.E).
How to leverage your professional and personal experience?
Our Higher Education institution allows both graduates and non-graduates (employees, self-employed individuals, volunteers, or job seekers) who wish to pursue further studies to recognize their experience. If it is deemed significant and has a minimum duration of 5 years, it can lead to exemptions, access to a bachelor's or master's degree without the required title, or a reduction in the duration of studies.
How to benefit from V.A.E ?
By preparing an RPL portfolio, available upon request, the RPL candidate provides an in-depth analysis of their professional and personal experience as well as acquired skills. An RPL panel will review the completed portfolio and issue a decision on the recognition or non-recognition of the acquired experience. Additional assessments may be requested from the candidate by the panel.
It is important to plan your VAE process because the procedure can take several months. We therefore recommend contacting the VAE advisor as early as March.
The complete RPL portfolio must be submitted no later than August 31st for enrollment in the following academic year and should be addressed to Claire Jeandrain, VAE Advisor.