
Outward mobility

An international experience at every step of your learning journey!

Spend a semester abroad!

The International Office offers students in the final year of their Bachelor's degree the opportunity to experience a semester abroad at one of ICHEC's partner universities in Flanders, Europe or elsewhere in the world.

This experience is a chance for real cultural exchange, an opportunity to explore other ways of teaching and of course enhancing language skills.

In practice

Second-year Bachelor's students are selected based on academic criteria.

The exchange takes place either in the first or second semester of the third year. The class programme taught at the host university is clearly defined by the International Office before departure.
This programme is recognised as equivalent to the programme they would have followed at ICHEC.
The credits obtained abroad are integrated into the student's academic record at ICHEC.

For most exchanges, students receive a study grant either from the Erasmus agency or from the Belgian-French Community Exchange Fund.

During the first semester of the 2nd year of the Master's, students have another opportunity to participate in an exchange programme. Selected students attend classes relating to their minors in the ICHEC partner institution.

In practice

Students are selected on the basis of an interview.

The International Office defines and validates the class programme. The credits obtained abroad are integrated into the student's academic record at ICHEC.

For most exchanges, students receive a study grant either from the Erasmus agency or from the Belgian-French Community Exchange Fund.

Complete your internship abroad !

Students in the final year of the Master's have the opportunity to complete their internship(s) abroad. The practicalities and monitoring of the internship are established by the Internship and Thesis Unit. Students can, however, apply to the International Office to obtain a grant for the internship abroad.


In Europe


The Erasmus+ programme for higher education helps to create a European area of higher educationby pursuing objectives that include:

  • improving the quality and enhancing the European dimension of higher education;
  • increasing the mobility of students, teachers and university staff;
  • reinforcing multilateral cooperation
  • transparency and recognition of the qualifications awarded
  • making European higher education institutions more internationally-oriented


       Outside Europe

    ICHEC has also developed exchange partnerships outside Europe. Thanks to the Fonds dAide à la Mobilité Etudiante de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles [Belgian-French Community Exchange Fund], ICHEC offers an increasingly large number of opportunities worldwide.  These exchange programmes follow the same principles and objectives as Erasmus + exchanges.